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Delta-T Pro Control 3rd gen with Ethernet only
Product Code: DLTA 000 005
Price: $715.11
Description: Pro controller in Ethernet connection format. This version utilizes an Ethernet connection to connect to the internet. A WiFi dongle can be added to allow for remote monitoring via WiFi connection. 5 program configurations available for use in OL DHW, CL DHW, Pool, Space and Commercial systems. Requires a minimum of two SAS-10 (10,000 Ohm @ 77°F) thermistor sensors (not included). Sensors can be purchased through this site in the Accessories section.
Delta-T Pro Control 3rd gen with Ethernet + WiFi
Product Code: DLTA 000 008
Price: $747.11
Description: Pro controller in Ethernet + WiFi connection format. This version utilizes an Ethernet or wireless wi-fi signal to connect to the internet. For use with open or closed loop domestic hot water systems. Requires two SAS-10 (10,000 Ohm @ 77°F) thermistor sensors (not included). Sensors can be purchased through this site in the Accessories section.
WiFi Dongle for 3rd gen Ethernet boards
Product Code: DNGL 000 000
Price: $32.00
Description: WiFi dongle for 3rd generation version of Delta-T Pro controller to allow for WiFi remote connectivity on Ethernet version board if wanting to add wifi to an already purchased 3rd generation Ethernet board. Does not work for 1st or 2nd generation boards (i.e. boards sold before 12/2016)
Both models of the Delta-T Pro controller can be purchased through this website via paypal. If you are a contractor, you can also purchase from your nearest Heliodyne distributor. For a dealer in your area, call our sales dept. at 1.888.878.8750.